Monday, August 20, 2012

Best Friend

Best Friend

You say you’re my best friend
Yet you harshly bring me down
You hold me close when you want
And then push me to the ground.

If best friends we are,
Why do I need your bidding do
Why can’t I be happy if you’re not
Why can’t you rejoice for me too?

I would go to the ends for you
I would fight the world, I would
But I don’t have the world to fight
Only you’re destroying me for good.

I have loved you, still do, it’s pure
But I don’t know how long I can
Can you hate someone you love?
I loathe you more than any man.

I have your shoulder to cry
Yet I get no smiles for my joy
Can you ever truly let me go?
See me happy with another boy?

You chose this, it was you,
I was yours to take, you know?
You broke me, made the choice
Now you’ll reap what shit you sowed

You use your best friend knowledge
 Do what you can to make me fall.
From where I stand, best friend not,
You’re not even a friend at all.

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